mazi Travel News
News, announcements and events of Mazi Travel! Read our news and find out about everything about our travel agency!

Imathia: Connecting Visitors with the Greek Vineyard
Giannis Kalogiannidis of Mazi Travel highlighted the role of the Greek vineyard in creating authentic wine tourism experiences.

Connect on Tour I Milan
Mazi travel participated in the Connect on Tour - Milan meeting for the promotion of...
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Sustainability Award for Mazi...
Mazi Travel & Εvents has received "The Travelife Certified award" . The award is a...
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Tοurism Awards 2023
Silver Award in the category Sustainability, Sustainable tourism development for the...
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Connect Tourism & Travel Event
Mazi travel also participated in this year's meeting of Connect Tourism & Travel...
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Gold award at the Green Brand...
Mazi travel & events with the slow tourism product "Imathia A.s.A.P." won the gold...
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