mazi Travel News

News, announcements and events of Mazi Travel! Read our news and find out about everything about our travel agency!

Συμμετοχή στην έκθεση FITUR στη Μαδρίτη 17-21 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Participation in the FITUR...

Our company participated in the FITUR exhibition, the leading trade fair for new...
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Presenting mazi travel tourism products to India market

Μazi travel opens the gates of the...

Discover Greece: The New Travel Destination for Indians
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Annual Meeting 2023

Annual Meeting 2023

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Οι ΗΑΤΤΑ και FedHATTA «ξεκλειδώνουν» περαιτέρω την μεγάλη αγορά των Ινδών τουριστών

HATTA and FedHATTA further "unlock"...

Greece shone at the Hospitality India Travel Awards
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Συμμετοχή στην 38η Philoxenia Διεθνής Έκθεση Τουρισμού

Participation in the 38th...

Our company participates in the 38th Philoxenia, the International Tourism Exhibition...
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SUSTOUR - Closing event

SUSTOUR - Closing event

Mazi travel & events has participated at the final SUSTOUR event
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